Scrubs City

Scrubs City

After a change in the administration of a previous store brand, the client requested a full re-branding, establishing a modern, fresh look to maintain and increase brand awareness.

Scrubs City
Scrubs City is a now known Scrubs store in Ponce, Puerto Rico. After a change in the administration of a previous store brand, the client requested a full re-branding, establishing a modern, fresh look to retail and increase brand awareness. The development of a Brand Identity for this store, as well as a social media campaign was key in their successful relaunch in summer 2019.

Brand Identity

Fresh modern look with clean colors that resonate with the industry at hand.

Brand Identity
Our task here was to develop a brand look to evolve previous efforts and retain base clientele. Fresh modern look with clean colors that resonate with the industry at hand.

Social Media

To retain and increase brand awareness we developed a series of campaigns, through our social media channels.

Social Media
To retain and increase brand awareness we developed a series of campaigns, through our social media channels. We were able to ensure continuity to the base clientele and outreach to new clients. This effort has increased the brands reach to over 50k recurring visitors in most of the store's Facebook, Instagram and other digital platforms.